A man and his blue jeans form a bond that is very hard to break. I love my jeans and tend to wear them until they literally fall apart, I definitely get my moneys worth, when they start to turn to dust held together by a few determined threads is when I finally decide it is time to put them to rest. This weekend I noticed that I only had one pair left that did not have breathe holes, like Swiss jeans, so I decided it was time to replace them.

Brian's New Jeans

I have a certain style of jeans I like, they are called blue. I found that there are many many different varieties of my blue. I don't know what these are, there were 501's, 550's, 560's, 401k's, wd40's, comfort fit, relaxed fit, original fit, BBQ, ranch and blue cheese. I was in shock! My wife held up a pair and said "What about these distressed jeans?". I said they looked just like the ones that I thought were worn out and needed replacing. Why would I pay $50 for jeans that look like someone had worn them out already? I could have sold the ones I was wearing on Ebay and made enough money to buy 2 pair of clean, un-distressed, perfectly mentally adjusted jeans. Why does shopping have to be so confusing? I feel the same way buying toothpaste anymore, there are just too many choices. I miss the days of the white generic box that just said "toothpaste" or "beer", no labels, no brands just what it is. Today I am sporting a new pair of Levis 747's or something like that, that look like they have already been drug through dirt and grease so I guess I am cool and trendy. I am a fashionisto!

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