I admit it, I am a Jeopardy freak. I love watching and seeing how many questions I can answer, usually about 7. I am always amazed at the brains of these people. "I will take ancient druid philosophy for 800 Alex." What the? I keep waiting for the "words that rhyme with bacon" catagory.

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This week there is a little something different going on, former super champs Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, the biggest winners in Jeopardy history, are taking on a computer named Watson. Watson was named after IBM founder Thomas J. Watson, it is powered by 10 racks of computer servers. I watched the first round yesterday and it was rather odd hearing Watson's computer voice answering questions. I kept waiting for it to say "press 1 for English" or "the current temperature is 53". The first round was shown yesterday and Watson and Brad Rutter are tied with $5000 each and Ken Jennings has $2000. It is a 3 day event and the winner gets $1 million dollars. I, of course am pulling for the humans but would love to see how a computer would spend a million dollars. A really pimped out mouse? I have a feeling the computer will win. I think technology will win this. I ,as a man, am always baffled by technology. I am still amazed that the fridge light goes out when I close the door...or does it? I will research this and get back to you

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