‘I recognize that! Oh, and THAT too!’ It’s neat to see your hometown featured in a music video.  Kenzie Culver of Loveland is on her way to stardom after winning a singing competition.  With the win, she got to shoot a video for her debut song, ‘Are You With Me?’ and they shot it in downtown Loveland!

The Reporter-Herald has the story of how Kenzie Culver is on her way to stardom after winning a competition with an L.A. record label.  Kenzie has been fronting the band Paradox for a while, but now she has the opportunity to go big on her own.

Kenzie goes to Mountain View High School and comes across as fighter once you find out that she had brain surgery when she was five. You have to believe after going through something like that that a person goes for it all whenever given the chance.  Therefore, it’s not very surprising to hear that she auditioned for this record label and won!

Part of the deal with the label was producing a video for her song ‘Are You With Me?’ The music for the song was provided by the label, but Kenzie put the words to it.  The song does really have a ‘stand up and fight’ feel about it!

What I really like about the video is seeing the shots of downtown Loveland. Now, it is subtle, but it’s hard to miss that mural on the side of the AIMS Campus, the railroad tracks, and the street sign for the intersection of 3rd Street and Railroad. You never know, Kenzie’s career could skyrocket, and little Loveland will be forever a part of her career!

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