As a parent, the teen years are usually dreaded. I remember the chaos of emotions when I was going through them. If you have kids between the ages of 12-22 then you may want to have them attend these free workshops at the Harrington Arts Alliance in Loveland.

HAA will be offering a 3 week workshop series on the growing pains of the teen years. Saturdays 3/5, 3/12, & 3/19 from 12-1pm. This workshop is offered to pre-teens, post-teens, and actual teens ages 12-22. Our final Saturday 3/19will be from 12-1:30pm with the final 30 min available for parents to join to learn more about their teens and how to support them better through these rocky, changing years.

 The teen years are full of intense issues thrown at you… you are faced with
  • appearance concerns
  • developing romantic crushes and relationships/sexuality
  • navigating your family dynamics at home with some experiencing divorce and loss or split time
  • peer pressure on all fronts
  • bullying (the leading cause of isolation, loneliness, depression, and suicide in teens)
  • technology addiction and checking out
  • adjusting to changes in your social circles and deciding what kind of friend you want to be & attract
  • managing emotions and hormones
  • academic stress/performance pressure to “grow up” and succeed
Come to these workshops to build a toolbox of strategies to learn to cope better...
This workshop is taught by licensed therapist Marissa Dominguez and food will be provided.

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