There is nothing like being a dad. I am so lucky to have two wonderful children who I think the world of and am so proud of who they have become. My youngest, Vanessa, celebrates her 28th year on earth today. I can't believe where the time has gone. I can remember sitting here with Todd waiting for the day she was to arrive. She grew up in this studio with me and Todd so she had no choice but to be wired a little differently..which is one of the things I love about her.

Vanessa Flaa, TSM
Vanessa Flaa, TSM

This girl has been my partner in crime for many of the stupid things I have done throughout the years. Whenever I come up with a stupid idea, she is there to help me see it through and decide whether we should tell mom about what happened or not. She has been my fight watching and scary movie watching buddy since she was born. We have had our share of battles and I am sure there are more to come but I love this girl so much and she has never looked and felt better. I am very proud.

vanessa viking vacuum
Brian Gary, TSM

We will party later but I would like to have a few virtual shots to share with her so if your in the buying mood...send one her way. Happy birthday Vanessa. I loved you first and always will.

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