Today is December 21st, 2011, that means that in exactly one year from today many people around the world believe that the world we have come to know will come to an end.

December 21st, 2012 is regarded as the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. Multiple theories, movies, and best selling books have helped support the belief, but there are just as many non-believers as the opposite.

Some believe the end will be some sort of spiritual event, while others believe that it will be a solar catastrophe with scenarios including the arrival of the next solar maximum, or Earth's collision with a black hole, passing asteroid or a planet called "Nibiru".

With all the false rapture predictions by Christian radio broadcaster Harold Camping over the last year or so the thought of the world ending in 2012 has become a little more diluted. Plus, the 2012 naysayers make good points. From scholars, astronomers, and other scientists putting almost any theory you have heard to bed, it makes those who are uneasy about the world ending a little more comfortable.

Whether the world is or isn't ending in a year from today, the threat can be a good reminder to live each year, month, week, and day like it's your last, and make sure those in your life know you appreciate them.

There is a song for every situation, this one too!

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