Ok, so maybe I am the last to know about "Plum Island" but I had no idea.  This is a federal research facility off Long Island, NY that has been studying animal disease since 1954...or has it? Now there is talk of moving this place to the heartland of Kansas?  I don't know much about anything but this can't be a a good idea.  I think it is widely known that during the Cold War secret biological weapons were being tested on livestock at Plum Island and have produced several conspiracy theories including the Montauk Monster.


After watching a TV show the other night it was made clear by former employees that it is possible for humans to breathe in these diseases the test animals are carrying.  In fact, those who work there are told they can't own pets, visit a zoo or circus etc...I wonder why if the Government has said that isn't possible.

I guess my point is that I don't believe everything, or most anything, the government tells me; especially the important stuff.  So I understand the need to test these nasty virus' and disease but doing it in the middle of Kansas, tornado alley, doesn't seem like a better idea than keeping it on an ISLAND.   I can't imagine how many cattle will have to be killed down the road once the new facility in Kansas gets blown to OZ.


So, not sure about you but the thought of some nasty virus {Did you know rumor has it that Lyme disease was a product of Plum Island?} floating around that I can't see, smell, touch or kill with a can of Napalm.  No, I think if the facility needs to be moved it needs to be moved to another ISLAND; a few hundred miles OFF SHORE.

Sure, I'm just a radio guy but common sense goes a long ways!

Nurse Ratchet

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