Ronnie Dunn has been an active Facebook and Twitter user in recent months, especially now more than ever with the presidential race taking place. While Dunn hasn’t flat out said who he is pulling for to be the next president, he does say enough to get his fans buzzing.

“I’m [talking about] it on Facebook just to stir it up and get peoples reaction … try to see where the pulse is,” Dunn tells Taste of Country. “I know at one point our discussion spiked and we were hitting 200,000 people. It’s amazing just to see the kind of things people will react to just under experimentation.”

Dunn will keep his Facebook feed close by while watching the debates this year, just to make sure his fans are keeping up with what’s going on and to reach those who may not even be aware of the situation. “I was watching the republican debate, and I threw out a comment that [Rick] Santorum said about 40% of births in America last year were by unwed mothers. I just sat back to see what people would say. I want to see how engaged we can be.”

“I think the most important reason that I’m doing it is to try and get people – normal, average, everyday, blue-collar Americans – to plug in and listen and pay attention,” the ‘Bleed Red’ hitamker continues. “A lot of them will tell you, ‘I’m living paycheck to paycheck today. I’m having to focus on keeping my head above water.’ The best way you can do that is to pay attention to what these guys that are going into power are doing and saying, and move them in or out. I think Congress needs to be purged. It really does. There’s a problem here. But I don’t need to preach that. I want to hear other people engage.”

As far as Ronnie Dunn is concerned, any one of the candidates can get his vote at this point, since he doesn’t fall on either side of the line. “I’m not decided one way or the other,” he notes. “I’m not a Republican and I’m not a Democrat. I know that [Facebook] page should be a music page, but there’s more to life than just music.”

Of course, Dunn does use his official fan page to talk about music from time to time — like his new single ‘Let the Cowboy Rock.’ The song, which Dunn co-wrote with Dallas Davidson, is currently climbing the country singles chart. Click here to read our interview with Davidson about how the two came to write the song.

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