What was

Lingering in the past is inevitable in many ways, but it’s important to recognize when that lingering can interfere with the present. It’s all of our past experiences and lessons learned that mold us into who we are today, so remembering these and sometimes relishing in them is a natural and normal process. The memories of fun had, travels to beautiful places, connections with beautiful people, and those humorous times that make you laugh out loud anytime you think about it, are special gems that feed positivity into the present.

Ashley Haberman 2019

But there are those times when the past can negatively affect our present, and even future moments. Forgiveness is something I have always been so naturally able to accomplish in any situation I’ve been in thus far. From parental issues and bad roommate scenario’s to friendships and disagreements, life is known for throwing tongue biting, hair pulling and trying times to us all. It's what you do with these kinds of challenging moments that have the potential to define the type of person you will be in the future. It’s such healing, cleansing and relieving feeling when the tension of grudges or hurt feelings are lifted from the soul with the simple act of forgiveness. The ability to forgive and forget has even been said to improve longevity.

What is

The moment is all.  It is the one thing that is ever present within, and without us. It is where we find love, create works of art, make friends, gain knowledge, and thrive in every aspect of life. The here and now. The somewhere between the past and the future is the moment. Being present within each moment can often be one of life’s hardest elements when we find ourselves so consumed in the chaotic excitement of everyday life, the whirlwind of getting from here to there and all the in between. Simple self-care acts that make being present in the active moment more achievable are, but not limited to, going on walks, remembering to breathe deeply, media device-free time, and one of my favorites, doing absolutely nothing,

Ashley Haberman 2019
Ashley Haberman 2019

What will be

Whether you’re a republican, a democrat, liberal, or nothing at all, the unreliable chaos that is our political world today can lead to doubt and questioning of what the future has in store. Fear, injustice, financial struggle, and relationships are among the many aspects of life that tend to keep one foot in the past and the other in what's to come, and the moment is gone. Something I like to do is a daily intentional practice of manifesting whatever it is that I want my future to become. This requires nothing more than a strong sense of what you do want and need, how you will get there, and knowing that you will. The more you practice bringing this imagery and intention into the moment, the more results you will find

Ashley Haberman 2019
Ashley Haberman 2019

I have learned over the years that it is important to think about the future, but in a way that will inspire you and encourage you to keep going even in hard times. It is the now that will determine our future, and the past that got us to this moment. I am a firm believer in karma, what you do onto others will be done onto you. We must be kind to each other and ourselves at this moment, even if we haven’t in the past, forgive yourself and move forward. We all have lessons that take more than once to conquer.

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